1 thought on “Pension Plan Tracker”

  1. Hello Sir! Your videos are very educational. I have one Query. Kindly clarify.
    I work in a private firm and currently pf is being contributed. (employee + employer). BY nature of the job, i doubt if this can sustain beyond 50yrs. But I am inclining to opt for Higher pension so that i can draw better pension per month through epfo from 58yrs onwards. Now in this scenario, My question is what happens to the EPFO/UAN account if there is no operation happening from 50yrs to 58yrs? Since there is no pf deposit from myside/company side, will there be any implications for me to start getting pension peacefully from 58yrs? Kindly suggest any hiccups or care to be taken to make the above thought work.
    PS : Even if work for a small firm from 50-58yrs (with just nom amount), I’d not opt for any pf contribution, since that small amount will hurt my higherpen related amount, as this scheme depends on Avg of last 5yr basicsalary.


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