This Mahila Samman Savings Certificate Calculator will help you calculate the Maturity value or Returns of your investments in the MSSC scheme. The various features Mahilla Samman Savings Scheme has been explained in this post.
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Invest ₹12,500 per month for 10 years and get 9.3% Guaranteed Returns after 20 years along with ₹50 Lakh Insurance with this Guaranteed Savings Plan. Click here to know more.
Also Read: LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan with 10% Returns – The Truth
Now, you can also calculate the Penalty applicable on premature closure of Mahila Samman Savings Scheme.
How to use the Mahila Samman Savings Certificate Calculator?
Step 1 – Investment Amount – Select the Investment amount using the slider. The minimum investment amount is ₹1,000 and further investments can be made in multiple of 100. The maximum investment amount under Mahila Samman Savings Certificate Scheme is ₹2,00,000.

Step 2 – Rate of Interest – The rate of Interest for Mahila Samman Savings Scheme is fixed at 7.5% p.a. So, this field is non-editable.

Step 3 – Duration – The duration of investment under Mahila Samman Savings Certificate is fixed for 2 years. So, this field is non-editable.

Step 4 – Maturity Amount – Based on your chosen Investment amount and the fixed values of Interest Rate and Tenure, the maturity amount gets calculated.